Residents and students around Nguruman have every reason to thank ALIN for Nguruman Maarifa centre, a facility they say has promoted reading culture among students and other community members. Commending after accessing daily nation on-line version, Mr. James Kamango a teacher by profession could not hide his joy and commented ALIN for keeping the community updated by enabling access to internet services, a service he says can only be accessed some 45 kilometers away through a rough terrain with unreliable transport means.
"I'm pleased to see my daughters coming to read from the library since they closed for April Holidays... I have seen some improvement in their performance at school and i can attribute this to the books they have been borrowing from the Maarifa centre. I have also been using the facility to access on-line teaching materials and daily happenings from on-line news sites."
James is an ICT graduate and says that, the skills gained have helped him use computers with ease.
Students reading at Nguruman Maarifa library
A community member at the Maarifa centre library |
Maureen Omondi, a teacher at Entasopia primary school says that, she has personally benefited from the facility and has seen students using the facility improve in their performance in school.
“I have been able to pass all my
exams and submit my assignments on time as compared to my other classmates in
rural schools where there are no library services. I have been using the
library to prepare my class notes and doing my assignments… I'm currently doing
a ECD course and the library has been instrumental in my study since it has a
wide range of educational material… I have also noted some improvements in student performances especially in national exams.. I urge other community members to use the library. thanks to ALIN for the facility.”
The library has a diverse range of information materials including, Agriculture, health, business, technical skills, history, Education among others. Community members including professionals have been using the facility to borrow books. Mr Alfred Nyambane, a nurse has been borrowing nursing books which he says have helped strengthen his skills.
“I have been able to improve my
skills and my general knowledge on health issue after using the library
materials. The facility has good advanced nursing books for all health
practitioners. Thanks for the service"
A community member accessing on-line materials with her laptop at the Maarifa centre library |
During Maarifa centre outreach activities supported by ALIN and Practical Action, different information gaps were identified among farmers. some of the materials were available at the Maarifa centre library although the farmers were not aware. Mr. Francis Mburu, a farmer had an enquiry concerning African indigenous vegetable, a puzzle that was solved after accessing agricultural materials available at the library.
“I have been using the library to
read information on indigenous vegetables and this has motivated me to venture
in to growing a variety of African indigenous vegetables. This boosted my family income and enabled me to pay school fees for my two children in secondary school as well as improving family diet... I also realized that, there is a growing demand for the product and a ready market for
the same… Thanks to ALIN and Practical action for enabling Access to free information and addressing our information needs ”