Accompanied by their science teachers,the students were happy and excited to learn and have their fingers on the computer keyboards and learn some basics on computer operation.They also learned on tubular biogas and how it operates. The students were also quick to learn and identify some of the effects of climate change and action plan was arrived at that, each student present at the visit should go back home and plant two tree seedlings and take care of them until the time they can survive by their own.
The students could not belief animal waste can produce gas for cooking (Biogas) until they saw it work... "I thought it is just in books for purposes of learning.. I have seen it work" said Margaret Nogipa, a student at mt. carmel primary school.

Mr. Mutisya, the Headmaster and a science teacher at our lady of Mt. carmel primary school had alot to say about their learning mission and could not withhold his joy as he thanked the Maarifa centre team... " Our learning mission has been very positive and we thank the Maarifa centre for imposing such a positive message about climate change to the young generation."