Monday, January 20, 2014

Nguruman Maarifa Advisory committee strengthened

Nguruman Maarifa Centre  has been in existence for the past nine years where community members have been receiving free services like Internet access, ICT training, Online market information, e-Government services, Multi-media content, Publications, information on sustainable Agriculture, climate change and Natural resource Management  among other topics.

Since its establishment, many milestones have been achieved with over ten thousand community members benefiting from the facility. The daily operations of the Maarifa centre are overseen by a Field officer assisted by a community knowledge facilitator who is a member of the community. A advisory committee comprising of representatives from different stakeholders are elected to oversee the operations of the facility and act as a link between  ALIN and the community.

Community members following proceedings during the Launching of the Maarifa centre
Strengthening Nguruman Maarifa centre advisory committee was key as some older members had got other community assignments and vacant positions needed to be filled. Through thorough discussions and consultations with stakeholders present during  the meeting, A strong advisory committee was formed with representations from Community groups, Associations, Church based organizations, Government ministries, NGOs, the disabled, Local administration and farmer groups.

The elected members were urged to desist from personal interests and work together for the benefit of the entire community words that were echoed by  the Area chief Mr Tin'gai who is a member of the committee. The committee recorded a 100% attendance during our New year meeting held on 18th January, 2014 at the Maarifa centre.

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